- Premium cooling components designed in Austria

Seasonic PRIME TX-1600 Noctua Edition
  • Ultra-quiet Noctua Edition of the Seasonic PRIME TX-1600
  • Renowned NF-A12x25 120mm fan
  • Fully modular Noctua style cables
  • 12-year Seasonic warranty
NF-A14x25 G2 PWM
  • 140x140x25mm
  • 4-pin PWM, 1500/1250rpm max.
  • Next-generation 140x25mm A-series design provides unprecedented quiet cooling performance, ideal for CPU coolers and watercooling radiators
Latest Reviews
NH-L9x65 etc.
09.02.2025 // Digital Trends
"This adorable Noctua cooler completely transformed my gaming PC." (Jacob Roach, Digital Trends)
NH-D15 G2 etc.
05.02.2025 //
"Dar la final de zi alegi acest cooler pentru firma, suport clienti si pentru utilizare pe termen lung. Daca ai grija cum il instalezi de fiecare data te poate tine macar 10 ani. Performantele oferite de el sunt bune si ramane o racire silentioasa pentru cei care vor ceva premium. Daca aspectul nu este tocmai cel mai wow, in 2025 va veni editia Chromax.Black pentru cei care vor ceva mai minimalist." (Stefan Alin,
05.02.2025 //
"In tutto il resto non troverete di meglio, sia come dotazione che come performance e forse è l’elemento più importante in una valutazione. Sapendo questo, indubbiamente esistono diversi compromessi, ma se ambiste al meglio allora scegliete le G2." (Patrick Grioni,
NH-L12S etc.
04.02.2025 // PC Gamer
"A top-notch air cooler that can happily deal with a low-wattage gaming processor with low noise and low temperatures." (Jacob Ridley, PC Gamer)
03.02.2025 //
"Der Noctua NH-D15 G2 setzt neue Maßstäbe im Bereich der Luftkühlung. Mit seiner exzellenten Leistung, leisen Betriebsweise und hochwertigen Verarbeitung ist er die perfekte Wahl für Enthusiasten, die eine leistungsstarke und zuverlässige Kühlung suchen." (Alexander Wittek,

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