- Review -

24.05.2007 FastSilicon.com
For standard clock rates, this cooler hangs with best and is probably the quietest CPU fan this test bench has ever heard. When the U.N.L.A. is attached, the fan produces almost no noise above the base line of the system. Even though it had half as much airflow, the temperatures remained the same for the stock speeds. This is a huge indication of how much capacity this cooler has. In regards to the chipset cooler, it is definitely doing its job. The motherboard temperatures did not rise above +1C from room temperature the entire time.
"When weighing the performance versus the noise production, the NH-U12F and NC-U6 really shine. The fan technology is amazing, the mounting systems are simple, and the cooler has extreme flexibility between audio contentment and all out performance. Hence, both the NH-U12F and the NC-U6 from Noctua earn lots of admiration from this crew." (Chris Hunter, FastSilicon.com)


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