- Review -

14.09.2016 TechSupportForum.com
NA-SAV2 chromax.black,NA-SAV2 chromax.blue,NA-SAV2 chromax.green,NA-SAV2 chromax.red
While there isn’t much to say about rubber accessories to fans, these Noctua Chromax pads and mounts really speak for themselves. They help improve a tan/black fan that needs a better color scheme and they help add a slight flare if you are going for a certain color all around the case. Prices for the Chromax are very fair in my opinion, with either the pads or mounts regardless of color priced at $6.90.
"I am very happy with Noctua’s Chromax lineup and I recommend them to anybody looking to improve their setup." (Justin Vendette, TechSupportForum.com)


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