- Review -

22.06.2018 EnosTech.com
NF-P12 redux-1300,NF-P12 redux-1300 PWM,NF-P12 redux-1700 PWM,NF-P12 redux-900
On stock clocks, under stress test, the NF-P12 1700 PWM was doing 26.67°C delta temps. Both variants of NF-P12 1300 were neck-to-neck with 29°C delta temps. The NF-P12 900 was doing 33.67°C which is on a warmer side particularly on the stock clocks but given its 900 RPM maximum speed and the aim behind it, this level of silent performance is actually good. This is a good performance overall and particularly given the low noise level on these fans, Noctua is once again delivering in the Noise-to-Performance ratio category.
"The low price tag on these fans makes it ideal for the budget users to have a premium cooling solution from the Noctua without much burden on their wallets. These fans come recommended by us." (Nauman Siddique, EnosTech.com)


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